Biographical Details
Date of Birth: November 25, 1819
Birth Location: Salem, MA, USA
Graduation Year(s): 1838
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelors
Date of Death: July 19, 1889
Death Location: Lafayette, IN, USA
Date of Birth: November 25, 1819
Birth Location: Salem, MA, USA
Graduation Year(s): 1838
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelors
Date of Death: July 19, 1889
Death Location: Lafayette, IN, USA
The elder brother of Francis D. West, George Edward West was born and educated in Salem, Massachusetts. Graduating from IU in 1838 at age eighteen, he entered the U.S. Navy the following year as a midshipman with the job of pursuing and stopping slaving vessels on the African coast. He served two years on the warships, Fairfield and Dolphin. During his tour of duty, he contracted jungle fever, the effects of which would plague him for the rest of his life. Once back on dry land, he made his way by milling and merchandizing. He died in 1889 in Lafayette. His eulogist wrote that West was “quiet and unassuming in manner. . .a warm friend to those upon whom he chose to bestow his friendship. He lived a blameless life and died respected by all. His sterling integrity won to him the respect of the entire community.”
West returned to Massachusetts and married Sarah Ellen Whittredge in October 1845. They had one child, George Henry, who was born in 1850. West moved with his wife and son to Lafayette, Indiana, in 1865. Their son died unmarried in Lafayette in 1896. Sarah died in 1909 in Lafayette.