Biographical Details
Date of Birth: January 10, 1817
Birth Location: Royalton, VT, USA
Major Study: Law
Graduation Year(s): 1844
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelor of Laws
Date of Death: August 1849
Death Location: Terre Haute, IN, USA
Date of Birth: January 10, 1817
Birth Location: Royalton, VT, USA
Major Study: Law
Graduation Year(s): 1844
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelor of Laws
Date of Death: August 1849
Death Location: Terre Haute, IN, USA
Jonathan Kendrich Kenny was born in Vermont, one of eight children. Before arriving in Bloomington to attend IU, he spent time in Louisville, Kentucky, and Terre Haute, Indiana. After graduating from IU in 1844, he resided in Terre Haute, where he died in 1849.