Biographical Details
Date of Birth: February 24, 1819
Birth Location: Georgetown, KY, USA
Major Study: Law
Graduation Year(s): 1841
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelors
Date of Death: August 23, 1893
Death Location: Logansport, IN, USA
Date of Birth: February 24, 1819
Birth Location: Georgetown, KY, USA
Major Study: Law
Graduation Year(s): 1841
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelors
Date of Death: August 23, 1893
Death Location: Logansport, IN, USA
John Finley Dodds was born in Kentucky, but his family moved to Bloomington, Indiana, where he was educated in the common schools. He graduated from IU in 1841, and was employed as a lawyer. He resided in Logansport, where he was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and held the positions of judge, county auditor, and collector of internal revenue for the 9th district of Indiana.
In 1834, when Dodds was fifteen, his father, Samuel, died.
Dodds was the younger brother of James Findlay Dodds.
Dodds’ brother William also attended IU, coming to the brand-new Indiana State Seminary in 1825 at age thirteen. William dropped out of school, married, and had ten children.He became a tanner and eventually postmaster.
Dodds and his four brothers all had the same middle name of Findlay or Finley.
Dodds married Alice Marion Hars in 1844. They had five children.