Biographical Details
Date of Birth: August 18, 1815
Birth Location: Frederick, MD, USA
Major Study: Law
Graduation Year(s): 1845
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelor of Laws
Date of Death: July 5, 1885
Death Location: Terre Haute, IN, USA
Date of Birth: August 18, 1815
Birth Location: Frederick, MD, USA
Major Study: Law
Graduation Year(s): 1845
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelor of Laws
Date of Death: July 5, 1885
Death Location: Terre Haute, IN, USA
Grafton Fleener Cookerly was born in Maryland, but spent his adult life in Indiana. He worked as an attorney-at-law after graduating from IU. He was elected Mayor of Terre Haute twice, was a member of the Indiana Constitutional committee of 1850, and was twice elected a member of the Indiana State Legislature.