Biographical Details
Date of Birth: May 18, 1813
Birth Location: Gibson County, IN, USA
Graduation Year(s): 1839
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelors
Date of Death: July 12, 1849
Death Location: Princeton, IN, USA
Date of Birth: May 18, 1813
Birth Location: Gibson County, IN, USA
Graduation Year(s): 1839
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelors
Date of Death: July 12, 1849
Death Location: Princeton, IN, USA
John Adam Clement, Jr., was born in the Indiana Territory to Elizabeth Devin Clement, the daughter of an early Baptist preacher. She was the only one of her parents’ thirteen children to survive to adulthood. Clement Jr. was born in 1813 and was named after his father, who died in the militia at Fort Harrison, Indiana, in 1812. He was the second child and only son. The next year, his mother remarried, and he and his older sister were raised along with three new siblings, all born by the time he was seven. His stepfather died when Clement Jr. was nineteen. His mother married a third time one year later.
Clement Jr. was educated at Princeton Seminary in Indiana under Principal Brydon. Immediately after graduating from IU with his bachelor’s degree, he was given charge of the IU Department of Mathematics to fill a vacancy for one year. He also taught high school in Casey County, Kentucky.
Upon Clement Jr.’s death in 1849 (the exact same day that famous First Lady Dolley Madison died), he was buried in Indiana in the cemetery of his mother’s relatives.
Clement Jr. never married and had no children. His elder sister’s descendants still live in Indiana today.