Biographical Details
Date of Birth: 1815
Birth Location: Nicholas County, KY, USA
Major Study: Law
Graduation Year(s): 1844
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelor of Laws
Date of Death: December 29, 1848
Death Location: Washington, IN, USA
Date of Birth: 1815
Birth Location: Nicholas County, KY, USA
Major Study: Law
Graduation Year(s): 1844
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelor of Laws
Date of Death: December 29, 1848
Death Location: Washington, IN, USA
Joseph Blair Carnahan was educated in the schools of Washington, Indiana. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a popular temperance lecturer. He was noted for his zealous and energetic efforts on behalf of the religious, moral, social, and commercial advancement of the town of Washington. He was an attorney-at-law, which he practiced successfully in southern Indiana. He took part in Whig Party politics. He died four days after Christmas, four years after his graduation from IU.