Biographical Details
Date of Birth: May 24, 1811
Birth Location: Monongahela, PA, USA
Major Study: Law
Graduation Year(s): 1831, 1846
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelors, Bachelor of Laws
Date of Death: September 3, 1888
Death Location: Bloomington, IN, USA
Date of Birth: May 24, 1811
Birth Location: Monongahela, PA, USA
Major Study: Law
Graduation Year(s): 1831, 1846
Degree(s) Earned: Bachelors, Bachelor of Laws
Date of Death: September 3, 1888
Death Location: Bloomington, IN, USA
Lewis Bollman was employed as a lawyer, a reporter, a farmer, and a writer. He held the position of first statistician of the Department of Agriculture. He was reporter of the proceedings of the Indiana House of Representatives for about twelve years. He originated the plan of taking crop and stock statistics. He was also responsible for originating the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, and the P. V. & C. R. Railroad, running along the Monongahela River, Pennsylvania. He considered the most useful work of his life to have been the work done for the Bloomington division of the Louisville, New Albany, and Chicago Railroad. He wrote much for the press; essays on agricultural topics; and a work entitled A Month at Mr. Johnstones, in which he gives his views on literary, agricultural, educational, religious topics, and on nature.
Bollman died in September 1888 in Bloomington.
In 1838, Bollman’s first wife, Harriet, died at age twenty-two in Bloomington. In 1867, Bollman married Idesta Gregg. They had only one child, son Charles Harvey. Charles was a student at IU. Bollman and his first wife, Harriet, were buried beside one another in Bloomington’s Rose Hill Cemetery.